Topic Brainstorm

Topic 1: Tricksters. I like the idea of working with tricksters because I think I would enjoy the deception and tricky nature of the stories. This type of behavior seems to line up with my sense of humor quite nicely, and I think it would be an interesting topic to work with. Till Eulenspiegel is a famous trickster who originated from German folklore, first recorded in the early 1500's. He seems like he could be an interesting character to follow and perhaps I could find one of his tales to retell. Eulenspiegel Story
A picture of Till, looking very similar to a court jester.
Topic 2: Dragons. Dragons are always an interesting topic. I attribute this to the fact that anything that can spew fire is amazing, especially if it's sentient and is often associated with treasure. I don't know very much about dragon stories, and what I do know is probably not very accurate, so I'd be interested in learning more about the topic. I found a book titled "A Natural History Dragons and Unicorns" by Paul and Karin Johnsgard that looks like a good place to go further into the topic.
Book Link

Topic 3: Heroes of Myth and Legend. This topic seems like a real possibility because it can overlap fairly well with my interest in Greek gods and their stories, as they frequently deal with mortals who turn into heroes. Finding a single hero to focus on was tough, but I have preliminarily focused on Odysseus, because a well known story could provide some interesting options in retelling, or Icarus, because turning that into a futuristic story involving space ships and black holes seems like it could be fun.
Icarus Link

Topic 4: Gods or Goddesses.  This fits well with my previous topic, and I may end up doing a combination of them both. I like the idea of placing multiple gods into present day scenarios, or perhaps adding new twists to old stories to spice things up. I haven't decided which direction to go yet.
Greek gods


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