Famous Last Words: This Week

This week was the week that all of my classes really kicked it into gear. I had a homework assignment in my Physical Chemistry class. My Biochemical Methods class has a test coming up and the lab portion had a lab report due Monday as well as another lab write up due before class on Monday. I am leading the discussion for my Religion in Political Theory class this week, and that requires being able to maintain the discussion for most of the class period. Outside of class, there is a research opportunity over the summer, and the application for that closes tomorrow. I was trying to fill out that application and also trying to recruit a couple of professors to write letters of recommendations for me in hopes that I can get the chance to do some research over the summer. All of that stacked on top of itself made me lose my mind a little bit. As such, some things fell through the cracks, such as the story telling for this week. I have since adjusted how mu canvas notifications work, so I shouldn't forget about any more assignments, but this week had me a little overwhelmed and I've been clawing and scratching my way back to the surface so that I can keep breathing. All this stress has given me several new experiences though, and I may be able to turn around and use those to improve my writing and my ability to deal with situations like this when they arise in the future. Hopefully I can learn from this week and be better prepared when I see another week like it approaching, although I really hope I don't have another week quite this hectic, because as it is, my head feels like it is going to explode any moment now.


  1. School usually does that too you. It somehow picks one or two weeks each semester where everything is due. I am sure you have been super busy with P chem. I did not enjoy that class one bit and the lab is even worse. So time consuming for no particular reason. It is just a bunch of busy work in my opinion, but some of the experiments are cool. Hope you did not have another one of those weeks this semester.


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