Reading Notes: Native American Marriage Tales Part B

A common theme I'm seeing in these stories is people not doing what they're told. In the first case, it's the crow not telling the people that the girl is dead. I don't remember any others of the top of my head, but this fact remains pretty consistantly. Also, there is another story with animal sex. At least this time somebody sees something wrong with it, although it's a bit weird that their first assumption upon seeing a pregnant woman is "the dog must've done it." Makes me concerned about the rest of those people's lives. This dude is friends with the deer despite being an avid deer hunter. You know who my best friend is? A serial killer. Makes a lot of sense if you don't think about it. These people have some sort of cannabilistic ritual where they knowingly kill and eat each other but magically bring them back to life. That's got to be some sort of torture. Magic turkeys who expect a lot in return for their magic.All of that last story was weird, I don't even know what to say about it.

A flock of, possibly magical, turkeys. Link

Bibliography: Tales of the North by Stith Thompson Link


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