Reading Options

While looking over the reading options, I noticed the Bible Women option. I've been in the church since I was little, so I'm interested to see if there will be a new perspective on stories that I've heard about my whole life.

Delilah is a no good liar who wants Samson to die. I've liked this story because, despite the several repeated coincidences, Samson continues to trust her. This makes for an interesting story.
The story of Esther is interesting because it involves lots of secret planning and trickery. There are also several parties, one specifically to gain the favor of the king so that he will come to the next party that she plans. It's just a crazy story overall.
Eve is one of the most well known stories, but still I haven't ever looked at it in significant depth. It would be interesting to get a new, deeper understanding of this story.

Delilah cutting Samson's hair


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