Reading Notes: Native American Hero Tales Part A

 This story has a lot of weird parts. For one, everyone knows that this uncle is killing children and are apparently completely okay with it. Then the son that lives decides to expose himself in public just for fun, which of course the uncle sees. So now we have a murderous pedophile and the parents decide they have to let him be alone with their son. Repeatedly. The way the child escapes is equally nonsensical, but at least they were creative. I was a bit unclear with how old the kid was, because as soon as he was found in his box, he got married. I had pictured him being younger, but what do I know? The grouse is completely in the wrong. He does no work, gets fed out of the kindness of others, and still harbors grudges against those keeping him alive. He thanks them for their help by essentially condeming them to death with magic. One idiot actually kills himself becuase he couldn't tell the difference between sand and seaweed, so he deserved it. They end up fighting for their lives in a series of competitions, cheating in almost all of them. They won the sleepless one, but instead they decided they should just run away. Then they call on their own magic to kill an entire village.

Wooden canoe that houses our the main characters of the second story. Link

Bibliography: Tales of the North American Indian by Stith Thompson Link


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