I tried the reccommended test at https://www.keyhero.com/free-typing-test/. I typed at 71 words per minute with a 95% accuracy. I liked using this website because it allowed for mistakes and accounted for them later.
This post is for you to comment on my project if you would like. It is a portfolio at the following link This is the picture that goes with my first story, Pym's Gal. Picture Link
Hello everyone, my name is Joe Green. I'm from Piedmont, OK, which is a small town a little northwest of Oklahoma City. I was a percussionist in the school band and was the drum line section leader my senior year. I played basketball all four years of high school, though I didn't play much my senior year because I broke a bone in my foot just before the season started. I am a junior chemical bio-sciences major. That major is basically what happens when you take the prerequisites for medical school and turn them into a college degree. Last semester I took an ethics class that had a term paper where you had to pick an ethical issue and, using multiple sources, create and support an argument one way or the other. It was interesting to hear people talk about physician assisted suicide, head transplants, and the importance of net neutrality. I am taking the MCAT later this semester and will then apply to medical school, hoping to get into OU's. If all goes according to plan, I...
Rasalu had been traveling the countryside for a while now, always accompanied by his trusty companion Alexa. Alexa generally just made sure they were going the right general direction, but occasionally spouted useful trivia. As he came out of the gas station, only staffed by an old man who seemed too fragile to still be able to move, Rasalu showed his car's AI his new trinket. "The old man gave me this laptop," Rasalu began. "He said that it was it could counter curses, should I ever find myself in a competitive game of pinball on someone else's cursed computer." "Wow," said Alexa, "that's an oddly specific item to be given just before meeting our mysterious contact." "Maybe," replied Rasalu, "but who am I to refuse the gift of a strange old man?" The traveling duo continued toward their destination without another distraction. As they entered the building, they saw one man, sitting in the middle of a busy roo...
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